Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meeting by phone Oct 21

There will be a meeting by phone om Oct 21 at 1:00pm Here the email.


#193-2010 – OCTOBER 12, 2010 – TUESDAY

CALIFORNIA DISABILITY COMMUNITY ACTION NETWORK: Advocacy Without Borders: One Community – Accountability With Action - California Disability Community Action Network Disability Rights News goes out to over 55,000 people with disabilities, mental health needs, seniors, traumatic brain & other injuries, veterans with disabilities and mental health needs, their families, workers, community organizations, including those in Asian/Pacific Islander, Latino, African American communities, policy makers and others across California.

To reply to this report write: MARTY OMOTO at WEBSITE: TWITTER: - “MartyOmoto”

California Budget Crisis:

Rescheduled: CDCAN Townhall Telemeeting With Department of Developmental Services Set for October 21st 1 to 3 PM Featuring Director Terri Delgadillo

Townhall Telemeeting Held Today Interrupted by Conferencing Provider Nationwide Technical Problem – Hundreds Were Participating

SACRAMENTO, CALIF (CDCAN) [Updated 10/12/2010 03:09 PM (Pacific Time)] -

The CDCAN Townhall Telemeeting held this afternoon that focused on regional centers and developmental centers featuring an update from Terri Delgadillo, director of the Department of Developmental Services, was interrupted by a major technical problem by the conferencing provider that disconnected hundreds of people, including the speakers, but will be rescheduled for October 21, Thursday afternoon from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.

Before the glitch was fixed – which impacted many other conference calls besides the CDCAN Townhall Telemeeting, a decision was made by CDCAN to reschedule the townhall because hundreds who were still unable to get connected.

Today’s townhall (and the rescheduled event next week) featured and will feature again, Terri Delgadillo, director of the Department of Developmental Services, and other senior department officials, to provide updates on on regional center and developmental center related issues, including information on the impact of the recently enacted long delayed 2010-2011 State Budget, impact and update of last year’s on-going reductions, and impact of any recently enacted legislation.

Today’s CDCAN Townhall Telemeeting before it was interrupted, had drawn an enormous audience of hundreds of people across the state (the last townhall telemeeting featuring Terri Delgadillo with an update on budget reductions and proposals last March drew well over 700 people from across the state).

Advocates across the state have expressed deep concern about the impact of on-going budget reductions from last year – the impact of implementation of new cuts and funding changes that they fear will have a growing and devastating impact on the lives of people with developmental disabilities, workers, community organizations over the next few months and in the coming year.

Delgadillo, who has participated in several CDCAN Townhall Telemeetings over the past several years and has been well received by audiences, will also answer questions from the general audience, time permitting.


WHEN: October 21, 2010 – Thursday afternoon from 1 PM to 3 PM


Note: There is NO passcode - please wait for an available operator. Due to large number of people expected, you should dial in at least several minutes before 1 PM

TO ASK A QUESTION: you will be given instructions during the townhall on how to do this – anyone can ask a question. If you prefer, you can ask email your question to Marty Omoto at or during the townhall, use twitter.

Second Half of CDCAN Townhall Will Focus on Growing Problems Impacting People With Developmental Disabilities Living On Their Own

The second half of the October 21st CDCAN Townhall Telemeeting will focus on the growing problems impacting people with developmental disabilities (and also other disabilities and mental health needs) living in their own homes, who, advocates say, are often viewed by many policymakers and the general public and media, as not seriously impacted by a loss or reduction of supports and services. Some advocates say those persons are often viewed as “less needy”.

This second half of the CDCAN Townhall Telemeeting will include a panel, with questions and answers from the audience.

CDCAN Townhalls First Held in Mid-2003

CDCAN Townhall Telemeetings were first held in 2003 as a means to bring policymaking in Sacramento – and also Washington DC to people with disabilities, mental health needs, seniors, their families, community organizations, facilities and workers and others, covering a wide range of issues including access, public and accessible transportation, housing, mental health, In-Home Supportive Services, special education, regional center and developmental centers, Medi-Cal and other programs.

A single townhall telemeeting can draw over 700 persons – as it did earlier this year. Since 2003 thousands of people have participated listening to and asking questions directly to state and also federal officials, including the directors of all the major state agencies, legislative leaders, top federal agency officials and legislators. All the CDCAN Townhall Telemeetings are recorded and posted for people to listen to later on the CDCAN website at

Other CDCAN Townhall Telemeetings, focusing on Medi-Cal (including the Section 1115 Waiver), In-Home Supportive Services (including policy changes related to unannounced home visits, provider enrollment, etc), housing, transportation, special education, are planned contingent on resources and funding.



Your help is needed. CDCAN Townhall Telemeetings, reports and alerts and other activities cannot continue without your help. To continue the CDCAN website, the CDCAN News Reports. sent out and read by over 50,000 people and organizations, policy makers and media across California and to continue the CDCAN Townhall Telemeetings which since December 2003 have connected thousands of people with disabilities, seniors, mental health needs, people with MS and other disorders, people with traumatic brain and other injuries to public policy makers, legislators, and issues.

Please send your contribution/donation (make payable to "CDCAN" or "California Disability Community Action Network):


1225 8th Street Suite 480 - Sacramento, CA 95814

paypal on the CDCAN site is not yet working – will be soon.

MANY, MANY THANKS TO BOB BENSON, the Pacific Homecare Services, Easter Seals, California Association of Adult Day Health Centers, Valley Mountain Regional Center, Toward Maximum Independence, Inc (TMI), Friends of Children with Special Needs, UCP of Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, Southside Arts Center, San Francisco Bay Area Autism Society of America, Hope Services in San Jose, FEAT of Sacramento (Families for Early Autism Treatment), RESCoalition, Sacramento Gray Panthers, Bill Wong, Easter Seals of Southern California, Tri-Counties Regional Center, Westside Regional Center, Regional Center of the East Bay, UCP of Orange County, Alta California Regional Center, Life Steps, Parents Helping Parents, Work Training, Foothill Autism Alliance, Arc Contra Costa, Pause4Kids, Manteca CAPS, Training Toward Self Reliance, UCP, California NAELA, Californians for Disability Rights, Inc (CDR) including CDR chapters, CHANCE Inc, , Strategies To Empower People (STEP), Harbor Regional Center, Asian American parents groups, Resources for Independent Living and many other Independent Living Centers, several regional centers, People First chapters, IHSS workers, other self advocacy and family support groups, developmental center families, adoption assistance program families and children, and others across California.

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